FYI: Say what you will, Senator,
the wording is what it is........
And what is deleted is as
significant as what is stated:
Each class or course in comprehensive
sex education offered in any of gradesKshall include instruction on the6through 12
prevention of sexually transmitted
infections, including the prevention,
transmission and spread of HIVAIDS.
b)All public elementary, junior high, and senior high
20 school classes that teach sex education and discuss
sexual activity or behaviorintercourseshall
emphasize that abstinence is an effective method of
preventing unintendedisthe expected norm in that
abstinence from sexual intercourseis the only
protection that is 100% effective against
25unwanted teenagepregnancy, sexually transmitted
diseases,and HIVacquired immune deficiency syndromewhen transmitted sexually.
(5)Course material and instruction shall include a
25 discussion of the possible consequences of
unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections,
including HIV.
28Course material and instruction shall teach
29honor and respect for monogamous heterosexual marriage.
30(3) Course material and instruction shall stress
31that pupils should abstain from sexual intercourse
untilthey are ready for marriage.
33(4) Course material and instruction shall include a
34discussion of the possible emotional and psychological
-3- LRB093 05269 NHT 05359 b
1consequences of preadolescent and adolescent sexual
2intercourse outside of marriage and the consequences of
3unwanted adolescent pregnancy.
(a)If any school district provides courses of
8 instruction designed to promote wholesome and
comprehensive understanding of the emotional,
psychological, physiological,hygienic
and social responsibility aspects of family life,
then such courses of instruction shall include
the teaching of prevention of unintended pregnancy
and all options related to unintended pregnancy,
asthe alternatives to abortion
Sean Penn: The Vatican Should Impeach Evangelicals. Wait. What?
This is the most confused I’ve been since the last time Sean Penn said
anything about…well, anything. So, in light of the fact that many
evangelicals suppo...
4 years ago
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