Today my teens, in the company of 45 or so committed Catholic parishioners and homeschoolers, joined the 40 Days for Life initiative. We marched around a so called "health care facility" for an hour and a half, in peaceful, prayerful protest. One client did leave the facility to visit the crisis pregnancy center next door for counseling and financial help. Seems she was too far along to keep her scheduled appointment. We were all grateful for the dedication of the CPC volunteers who lovingly took care of her needs. Standing for truth takes more than being saddened by the state of our country at this point. It takes bold words and public action. Sarah Palin isn't afraid to speak candidly about our responsibility to protect the most vulnerable of our society, and neither were the group of teens and children who joined us with their families today.
Patrycja -
It was an emotional time for me. I didn't even realize until I got home and relaxed how emotional it was for me to participate in 40 days for life and to see a mother drop her high school aged daughter, still dressed in her school uniform, off at the clinic, I tried to make eye contact but their minds were made up. Then the mom just drove off. I burst out crying!! Andrew just kept saying "Are they killing babies in there?" and I said "yes" I didn't even say anything of that sort to him, only when he said he was hungry, I told him to offer it up for the babies, I didn't even mention any killing or death, but he knew. Then he said to me "Do you hear the babies crying?" I said "No, do you" and he said "yes" What an amazing time spent praying for the innocent babies being aborted. I still am choked up about it!
I had never done anything like this before. For whatever reason, I just never felt called to go to the clinic like this. I had doubts it could possibly change anyone’s minds. And seeing the news lately regarding the upcoming elections has left me discouraged. Seeing all these kids with us out there, and the numbers that turned out to come together and stand against abortion today really lifted my spirits and gave me hope that we can win this fight yet!
Sean Penn: The Vatican Should Impeach Evangelicals. Wait. What?
This is the most confused I’ve been since the last time Sean Penn said
anything about…well, anything. So, in light of the fact that many
evangelicals suppo...
4 years ago
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